Monday, November 15, 2010

Let's Cook ~ Bruschetta

Another delish recipe find at - Tomato, Red Onion and Basil Bruschetta. I love bruschetta and always order it when I'm out and in the mood for something fresh. I love the tomatoes and onions and especially the garlic and it's a great thing to make when you have a garden and find yourself with a basket full of tomatoes which I ALWAYS do. I only had one tomato plant this Summer and still have a dozen tomatoes in the fridge. I admit, it's a money saver but the irony is that I don't really like tomatoes so I have to find other ways to enjoy them aside from in salads.

One of my favorite ways to use bruschetta is as a topping for chicken. After cooking chicken breasts in a frying pan you add freshly made bruschetta and let it simmer on low. I usually only let it go about 5 minutes (while I cut/broil the baguettes). Sprinkle a little Parmesan Cheese on top and it's a yummy dinner with lots of yummy veggies. The point is to just warm the bruschetta and not COOK it unless you don't mind it cold on top which being a Mom it usually is by the time I sit down to eat it.

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