Monday, January 3, 2011

Photo A Day ~ January

As the year goes by I'll be updating this blog entry with a photo every day. Each month will have their own entry so it's a little easier to navigate/enjoy.

Welcome to 2011's Photo-A-Day Adventure!

1/12/11 at 1am. . .they called for 4-6" and so far so good!

I finished an article about the flu and needed a photo - Sal modeled. Pretty good huh?

Taking photos at Saucon Valley Elementary...

1/9/11 at 11pm...I heard the moon looked cool but couldn't find it.

We got about another inch of snow today so we played a bit.

Schools were closed even though we only got a couple inches. 1/7/11

Mosaic done by 4th graders at Saucon Valley Elementary School.

The pups got a much needed haircut today.

Pretending he's a barber thanks to his holiday gift from Cousin Kristin.

He (or she) was enjoying dried corn on the patio.

Zoe snuggling with her new toy from Grandpa G.

New Year's Day on 2 Street

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